
Thursday, October 27, 2011

OccupyVictoria - Critical Times

As I sit here and right this I’m frustrated and anxious. Frustrated that people still don’t understand the occupy movement. Anxious because tonight Victoria City Council will move to vote on whether OccupyVictoria can remain at Centennial Square.

The fact that many don’t understand is partly due to the media’s negative attention to the movement and partly because of incorrect stereotypes of protestors.  The media wants people to believe that the movement has no message.  They also want the public to believe we’re disorganized and contradictory.  While a certain amount of disorganization may be present it is mostly due to the fact that few people are doing a vast amount of work in order to make this more than just another protest in Victoria.

There are MANY different people from different walks of life joining together because they are tired with the way our economic and political system continues to fail them.  The contradictions come from the various reasons why people have banned together.  Some are fighting for social injustices, some for more transparent government and others for economical reform.  Amazingly enough, it all ends up boiling down to the fact that 1% of has 50% of the wealth.

What’s truly unfortunate is that far too many people are still ignoring the issue, wishing it would go away.  These are the same people who are stereotyping the people the protestors as a bunch of hippies or homeless people.  What they fail to realize, partly from ignorance and never actually seeing the protestors, is that many of the occupiers have jobs that they go to during the day and camp at night.  Yes some of them may actually be homeless but that doesn’t mean that they don’t understand the issues of a failing system.  Last time I checked homeless people still counted as human beings and therefore are part of the 99% the movement is trying to support.

No matter what happens tonight at the city council meeting it can never change the passion that has been ignited in many people and can never strip away the reality that the first time in my life people are avidly talking politics without a provincial or federal election looming overhead.  And for a generation said to be increasingly apathetic to politics I think THAT is a significant win for OccupyVictoria.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Call out the Ringers - OccupyVictoria

As someone who has supported the Green Party in the past, and a resident of Saanich, the first politician I contacted was Elizabeth May. I wanted to get the Green Party's position on the Occupy movement. While I wasn't shocked that the party was in support of the movement I was shocked that they issued a press release on October 7th. To me this is significant for a few reasons. The global day for action was set for October 15th. OccupyVictoria rally, march and occupation took place on October 15th. Elizabeth May's riding is Saanich/Gulf Islands. For those not familiar with Greater Victoria geography, Saanich is the municipality immediately adjacent to the municipality of Victoria. The Gulf Islands are just off the coast of Vancouver Island.

In a twitter discussion with @ElizabethMay it was suggested that we call out the politicians into the open. Therefore I tweeted a request to Harper along with the Liberal Party and NDP. To date I have not had a response despite the tweet to Harper being continually retweeted. I have also not been able to find a press release on any of their websites. I will continue to "call out the ringers" such as the politicians who supposedly represent me in Parliament and the Legislature.

I didn't vote for Harper. I don't like Harper. From what I've seen in the media, he's not listening to anyone now that he has a majority government.

Part of the problem, in my opinion, is that there is not enough discussion between citizens and politicians. Partly due to not enough hours in the day to make decisions in parliament/legislature AND have ongoing discussions. Also partly due to a growing sentiment that our politicians are not really listening any way leaving people more and more reluctant to even try. We can email, write letters, and yell at the top of our lungs but if the politicians are not LISTENING it's all for nothing.

So for anyone reading this blog who feels an issue has been ignored by their politicians I say become their worst nightmare. Be relentless. Keep asking your questions until you get answers. If you don't like what your politician has to say gather friends, acquaintances anyone sharing the same opinion and become louder. Occupy isn't just about physical occupation, it's about a call to action to make the change that the current political system is not allowing for.