
Monday, November 15, 2010

Help from Afar Thanks to Twitter

The other night I was out for coffee with a friend, whom I met from Twitter.  We were discussing the marvels of Twitter and I shared a story which he encouraged me to write and share with all of you.  So here it goes...

As mentioned before I am a single mom.  What I have not necessarily mentioned are the various issues my little guy has faced in his two years of life.  Not only did he have colic but he also had infant reflux and night terrors.
Even before I left my marriage I was often left home alone at nights because B's dad has always worked nights.  This meant that when night terror episodes occurred I was pretty much on my own.

For those that don't know about sleep terrors - it is a condition in which transitioning from one level of sleep into a deeper sleep is difficult.  This causes one to scream as if trapped in a nightmare and unable to wake up.  Much like sleep walking there is not much that can be done.
After nearly six months of sleep terror free nights B had a relapse.  Here's where Twitter saved the day.  I tweeted a cry for help and put a hashtag to help spread the word in twitterverse beyond my regular followers.  Less than 24 hours later Sue Atkins (@SueAtkins) of responded.  She sent me a link to an article she wrote about sleep terrors and said if I needed further help to let her know.

Sue Atkins is "passionate about making life with children easier and more rewarding, and am extremely enthusiastic about helping to bring up happy, confident, well-balanced adults; today's children - tomorrow's future".  Her credentials include regular radio spots with the BBC.  Yes  Sue Atkins is in the UK.  I'm in Canada.  We could only have connected so quickly through Twitter.  She had a breathing technique that I had never heard of before despite my diligent research into the condition.  The next episode I tried it.  It worked.  Simply hugging my little guy and breathing calmly and deeply he was able to slip into a deeper sleep and stop screaming.

If I ever make it over to the UK I hope to have a tweetup with Sue Atkins.  Just one tweet impacted my life, my ability to cope and parent profoundly.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Lest We Forget

I don't often talk about this but for some reason this year I feel I need to share...

Remembrance Day is a weird day for me.  I am second generation Canadian.  My Opa comes from Germany.  My Oma comes from Poland. The stories of their lives have instilled a deep appreciation for democracy that began in high school.

When I was in high school I had to do a project on Germany.  To help me with my project, he decided to break his silence of what it was like growing up in communist Germany ,as it then was.  That conversation forever changed my perspective on freedom, democracy and how lucky I am to be Canadian.

My Opa didn't have a choice to fight in the war.  Nor did he agree with what was going on.  But in a communist country you can't speak out against leadership.  For this reason my Opa says he was grateful for being a POW in Siberia.  He didn't have to fight a war he didn't believe in.  When the opportunity presented himself he came to Canada.

My Oma's story is much more intense and for that reason I have been unable to listen to the memoirs she recorded in their entirety.  The mere fact that her family had to hide out during the war for safety is a concept I cannot even begin to fathom.

Because I am Canadian, I don't have to worry about hiding for safety or being forced to fight a war I don't agree in.  Our troops choose to protect our country, protect our freedom and protect our privilege of democracy.  It is a job I could never do.

It irritates me that people forget that despite being involved in war, Canada does not declare war on other countries.  We are a country know for being peacekeepers.  From what I know, we attempt to help other countries, often in an attempt to bring democracy to already devastated countries.

I am all for peace.  I truly wish that we didn't need our troops.  A world that lived in peace and harmony would be a delightful utopia.  Unfortunately I doubt we will ever see that.

The good thing is that we live in a democracy.  When we disagree with our Prime Minister about when and where our troops go we can speak out.  So instead of using Remembrance Day to promote a desire for peace and hatred for war remember this - it's about our veterans and our troops and the sacrifices they made and continue to make in a pursuit of peace.  

To use November 11 for anything other than taking a moment to remember and respect our veterans and troops, in my opinion, is utterly disrespectful.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Epitome of Frustration...

As I write this blog I am on hold waiting for a Telus customer service agent to answer the phone so I can disconnect service I never even received.

It all started about three weeks ago when I called Telus for internet service.  They said they'd mail me out a modem and the installation instructions would be inside.  When the modem arrived I could not get service.  I called the help desk, went through 20 minutes of troubleshooting only to be told that all the "profiles" in their system may not be set up yet as they had until midnight that night to set it all up. Fail #1 - could have saved me 20 minutes by telling me this before troubleshooting.

Next day I call back because I still don't have service.  What was worse, the customer service agent had severe issues with his headset so I was only getting every other word or absolute silence before being told he'd call back in 30 mins.  Fail #2 - if agents don't have good equipment how can I trust their internet service?

Customer service agent called back in 10 when I was trying to get some dinner together for my kid.  I asked him to call back when he said he would - in another 20 mins; he agreed.  No call. Fail #3 - call when you say you're going to call.

I again call back to sort out the issue.  Again I am put through the troubleshooting only this time at the end I'm told they need to have a tech come out and the earliest is Sunday (this call was made on a Thursday) with a time frame of 8 am to 5 pm or Thanksgiving Monday between 1 pm and 5 pm.  Opted for Sunday. Fail #4 - if you don't regularly have techs go out to set up service ensure you can have techs come out quicker than 72 hours after service was supposed to be started.

Lucky for me the tech came early on Sunday and my day wasn't completely ruined.  The house had to be re-wired, not surprising as it is over 100 years old.  The tech left with all four sacred lights lit up on the modem and said if I can't get online the help desk can take it from there. Fail #5 - why can't the tech sent to my house ensure that the internet is working properly?

Sure enough, no access to the internet.  Yet another call to tech support.  More troubleshooting.  This time network support needs to look into things and get back to me within 24 hours.  Seriously? Yes, and by the way, you will need to call customer service once your service if fixed to get the proper credits.  You're kidding right? No. Let me talk to a manager...Fail #6 - have a system where the customer doesn't have to be on hold JUST to tell them that they FINALLY are getting the services they ordered.  Suggestion - tech support call customer service for them or better yet, be able to access the same system and doc the account themselves!

OK, we should be in the final stretch here.  Should be.  Network support calls and says that due to system upgrades not all troubleshooting tools are available but they suspect my modem may be faulty.  Oddly, this is when the modem crapped out completely and none of the sacred four green lights were lit up.  Even the power indicator light went to red.  I was then told to call back tomorrow if the modem is still not working and have a new one mailed out.  I give up on counting the fails...

I call back the next day and cut to the chase - I want a new modem.  Took 10 minutes to convince the help desk dude to send out another modem but after talking to network support he all of the sudden believed that all my problems would be fixed.

A few days respite from the annoyance of Telus.  Then the new modem arrived.  Plugged it in.  All four sacred lights.  No internet access.  Reboot computer.  No internet access.  Reboot modem.  No internet access. Sigh.  Reluctantly call help desk.

I explain everything I've checked now that I'm down with the whole troubleshooting routine.  Funny thing - I could hear the agent going over his list to see if I missed anything, then she says she's going to contact network support to check things on their end.  But wait, network support are not taking calls right now and will have to call me back in the next 24 hours.  SERIOUSLY???

This is where I lost it.  I said have them call me but in the meantime I am calling Shaw and whomever gets my internet access up and running first gets my business.  I was told I'd get a call back within 24 hours.  That was Thursday night.  Today is Monday and I still have not received a call back but I did receive a third modem.

I wish it ended here but I have been on hold with Telus for the second time today to cancel my service.  The first time I waited 35 minutes before giving up.  I have now been on hold for over an hour and Telus Customer Care has closed.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Living on the cheap.

So I make approximately $2,000 per month. I work part-time. Originally it was by choice however now it's more due to lack of better employment in my field in my town.

My reality is that 40% of my monthly income goes to rent; 30% to minimum payments towards debt; and then I still have car insurance, gas, health insurance, phone, food, clothing and recreation to pay for.  The amount left for food, clothing and recreation is a whopping 12%.

So how do I do it?  I have a few tricks.  First one being "Bread Days" many of the bakeries around town donate their day old bread to the community centres.  I know of a few places (almost one for each day of the week) where I can get a free loaf of bread and sometimes buns.  Second big one is the Good Food Box - produce on the cheap.  I've learned that this program is also in other places in BC and beyond.  That means I still need to fill my meat & protein as well as my dairy categories to obtain food from the four food groups (as well as supplement the other groups).

But that still leaves clothing and recreation.  Well, lets tackle recreation first.  I have a toddler, he likes the park, I like the beach, sometimes we go to the park and sometimes we go to the beach and sometimes we just stay home and play.  On rainy days I first check to see if there are any free or cheap activities going on and other times we go to the mall and B runs around.  

I also am lucky enough to live in Victoria which offers the Regional Rec Pass (get it while you can it may only be a 2010 offer).  For about $40/month I have drop in access to all the rec centres in the Greater Victoria area.  B and I often going swimming.  I will soon brave the ice for some skating (it's been at least 10 years since the last time I went skating).

As for clothing, well much of B's clothing has come from Victoria Freecycle which is a Yahoo! Group.  I watch it like a hawk to try and get clothes for B.  So far we've been well taken care of.  We also use cloth diapers which is cheaper than disposables.  However we are venturing into potty training.  Training pants are not cheap but the closest dollar store has underwear in his little bum size two pairs for $1.25!  Now if only he'd sit on the potty....

As for myself, so far I've not needed any clothes since hitting these super tight times about 8 months ago.  However I have always been a thrifty shopper.  I also am able to sew, knit & crochet which comes in handy.  My friend Katy has also got me back into recycling clothes into new things - pants to skirts, t-shirts to skirts.  I've even turned some of B's onesies into t-shirts because he's tall and skinny making a 18 month old onesie too short to be done up but a great t-shirt!

The hard part though is the unexpected expenses which ALWAYS seem to come up.  To survive those it becomes a challenge of taking in returnables for deposits, selling off stuff no longer needed or heading to the food bank to free up grocery money.

So that's my start on shedding my financial fumblings with the world in hopes that my tricks may help others find more money in their pocket.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

If you don't have anything nice to say...

Recently I joined a parenting group at my church.  We meet once a week while B is enjoying the mid-week kid's program rather than all the parents leaving only to come back an hour and a half later to pick up their kid.  We discuss pressing issues with raising children and offer support to each other at our various stages of life, parenting and faith.

I had mentioned my thinning patience at B's numerous tantrums. One of the suggestions given was to offer B options rather than making demands.  The example given was "Do you want to leave in 10 minutes or 5 minutes" but B isn't that advanced at age 2.  

Instead I tried this - I'd think of two or three activities I was willing to let B partake in and ask, "Do you want to go swimming?"  If he said yes, we would go swimming, if he said no I'd ask about another activity.  Sometimes he would say no to everything and I would then fall back on my "let's do ___" and B would generally follow, even if he previously said no to the activity.  Despite my skepticism it worked.

Then a new problem arose.  An unwanted comment from another parent.  I was asked "who's the parent here?"  What?  I can't let my kid decide whether he wants to stop riding his bike to go swimming?  Makes no difference to me.  It's not like I'm asking whether he wants dinner or not.  There are still restrictions.

Sometimes as parents we need to ask our kids what they really want to do with their play time.  For weeks I had been struggling to get B to participate in his soccer practice.  He'd rather play on the playground or climb the rocks next to the field.  One week we went early.  I told B that he could play until soccer started.  B played on the playground; climbed the rocks and then when he saw his coach he joined her on the soccer field.  I learned that B didn't want to have to choose.  He wanted to do all three activities.  By the end I had one tired but really happy little boy.  All I had to do was give him more time do do it all.

Don't get me wrong.  I put my foot down when I need to.  Nap times. Bed times. Cleaning up messes.  Those are non-negotiable.  But what to do during play time?  Seriously.  That needs to be up to the kid as far as a parent is willing to facilitate.  When I don't want B to ride his bike, it just isn't an option I suggest.  If I don't feel like taking B to the pool I don't suggest swimming.  But asking whether he wants to play cars, puzzles, go for a walk, what harm is there in asking him what he feels like doing?

Whether anyone agrees with me or not, I can say this - my house has been a lot more peaceful since I've given options.  Well, except for those annoying singing toys people buy him...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What ever happened to holistic thinking?

Awhile ago I posted about a study that labeled parents "emotionally unavailable" if they let their child cry for more than one minute at bed time or in the night.

Yesterday I read a Twitter post that says not enough sleep at night increases a child's chance of being obese.

Forgive me for my simple thinking on this but doesn't everything I do or my child do during the day determine whether or not we are emotionally, mentally and physically healthy?

For almost a year I tried to get my son to fall asleep without me being in the bed with him.  I used various methods trying to prevent him from crying it out.  But finally I decided enough was enough.  The sleep deprivation had taken an excessive toll on my health and was affecting my ability to work.  Surly the love and attention B receives throughout the day would make up for the three nights it took him to learn that he was going to sleep in his own bed without Mommie.

And as for his increased chance of obesity - well, B has always been on the lower end of the scale for number of hours a baby/toddler should sleep according to doctors.  However this boy will literally run circles around me whenever possible.  He eats well, is highly active and oh, is at the lower end of the weight chart.  Yup, my kid needs to GAIN weight.

Bottom line for me, I'll take these studies declaring one thing evil with a grain of salt because I believe in a holistic approach of raising my son.  I encourage more parents to also take a holistic approach not just to child rearing but also to their own life.  Sometimes there isn't one thing causing the problem but a group of things.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The long awaited for...DAYCARE!

For the last eight months I have been longing for this day.  Some mothers dread this day but my circumstances are different.  

I went back to work when B was 6 months old.  While I was at work B's father looked after him.  This of course is where my fear began.  Some pretty awful things happened while B was in the care of his father.  Drank a bottle of infant Tylenol.  Third degree burns on his hands.  Hit in the head on a few occasions.

But beyond the safety issues X and I have different approaches to parenting.  Partly stemming from our different personalities and comfort zones.  I like taking B to playgroups, kindergym, etc. Get the boy interacting with other kids while running a muck and tiring himself out.  The bonus for me is that I can chat with some of the moms about mommy things while the kids have fun.  Aside: Fernwood playgroup was best because they served coffee.  X however is not as outgoing as me.  Not comfortable around a lot of people.  Playgroups almost seem to scare him, although he does take B to certain ones.

My excitement that B will regularly be interacting with the same kids, building friendships and learning new skills is heightened by the incredible daycare that he is going to and the fact that it's packed with neighbourhood kids.  What more could a mother ask for?  Truly, I was blown away by the set up of the daycare and the type of activities that the kids go to.  B will thoroughly enjoy this.

Although I had no doubts that B would embrace daycare, he proved it at the "Hello/Goodbye" BBQ last week.  This is an annual event put on by the daycare for the parents to meet the new kids coming in and their parents and say good-bye to the kids moving on.  B instantly made a new friend on the playground by climbing up a curved ladder (a task that scared me) which caused the other boy to climb up the ladder too.  As the parents stood on the sideline poised ready to assist if needed we discovered we live around the corner from each other.

All in all, today is a day I can breathe a little sigh of relief and look on with great anticipation as to what this new adventure will bring for B.  Next milestone  - moving from the church nursery to Sunday School.  God bless the teachers at GT!

Monday, August 30, 2010

The truth hurts, but will set you free.

I had the unfortunate experience this weekend of realizing someone I thought was a friend truly wasn't.  It all started with not being invited to a birthday party.  Seems pretty trivial.  But it wasn't the exclusion.  What hurt was the misunderstanding.

When I questioned whether there was anything happening for the child's birthday I was led to believe that it was a family only event.  Fair enough.  But then right after my conversation and right in front of me, she confirmed the intended attendance of another parent to her son's birthday.  Weird.  Then later that same morning another comment was made that confirmed that I was in fact not invited to her son's birthday party.

I tried to let it go.  I tried to pawn it off to 'we've grown apart'.  But I could not help being annoyed by the fact that I was lied to.  So I messaged her about how I felt.

What I thought had been "growing apart" had actually been her purposely distancing herself from me because of my negativity.  Something that she points out started after my separation from X.  You think?

I can't and won't apologize for being negative over the last nine months.  I left an abusive relationship; endured a disappointing child abuse investigation; continue to fear for the safety of my child while in the care of his father; am barely making ends meet and unable to find a better paying job in this town.

The decisions that I have had to make over the past year are ones that I honestly would not wish upon anyone.  Unfortunately, many women do face these decisions daily.  And what's even sadder is women everywhere make even harder decisions.

Yes it hurt that this person, who I thought was a friend, ended up not being a friend but it is freeing to know that I no longer need to spend time and energy trying to keep in touch with her.  I am relieved to know that while we had good times together, those good times are over.

I have met a number of people lately that appreciate the tough times I'm going through.  It is the tough times that truly define us and the relationships with those around us.  True friends are hard to find but I'm confident there are more people out there who will become a true friend to my family.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Emotional Availability, Infant Sleep and the Single Mom

The purpose of this blog is to share my thoughts and feelings prompted by the following article:

Emotional Availability and Infant Sleep

As hard as it was for me to read all of @phdinparenting's comments on Dr. Teti's study I read the whole thing. I hold a lot of respect for @phdinparenting and therefore wanted to ensure I got the whole story.  Glad I did.

First off, it was a difficult read because of a difference in opinion to the cry it out method of sleep training. We're not paradoxically different in opinion. I can honestly say that letting my child cry it out was not the approach I wanted to use.  The difference is a fine point. I used the cry out method because I could not be emotionally available to my toddler throughout the day without adequate sleep. My impression is that @phdinparenting believes the cry it out method should not be used even as a last resort.

As stated above it was not the approach I wanted to take.  I tried many times but could not tolerate my child's tears.  However, I decided it was better to be emotionally available as much as I could during the day by establishing a more reasonable bedtime at any cost.

Prior to going with the cry it out method my son co-slept in my bed but was wide awake until 10 PM which meant I could not sleep until 10 PM.  He would then wake around 5:30 AM ready for the day. I tried hard to get him to sleep earlier with no luck.  Bewildered and exhausted I let my 22 month old cry it out for no longer than 10 minutes without checking on him and made sure he had lots of hugs and kisses before tucking him in and reassuring him I was just in the next room.

On the flipside, even before I separated from my ex, he allowed B to have 2-3 hour naps despite my pleas for help and speculation that the longer naps were contributing to later bed times.  He would also not follow a set schedule in order to have reasonably timed naps.  B often slept until 4 PM making it near impossible for him to sleep earlier than 10 PM.  B's father worked nights and was rarely home at bedtime.

Secondly, it was difficult because of my situation. After a bit of discussion with @phdinparenting regarding my reactions to her comments we did agree that we could not be the mothers we want to be without the help of someone to turn to.  This is where my sadness deepened. That "someone to turn to" didn't exist for me. I never set out to be a single mom. There are few who honestly do. Unfortunately we don't know if we are able to handle the stress of parenting until we try.

I won't reiterate my reasons for separating from B's father; just read my previous post "What does it take?" if you want to know.

I will say this, if the emotional needs of one are not met yet they continue to try to meet the emotional needs of others, they will burn out.  To put it in the context of emotional availability and parenting, a parent needs someone to meet their emotional needs as much as they are meeting their child's emotional needs.  This is why I believe in the theory of "it takes a village to raise a child". However, I'm stuck in a nightmare of no one being able to meet my emotional needs as much as I give to my son.  This leaves me physically, mentally and emotionally drained on almost a daily basis.

Personally I do not believe that it is necessarily important that a mother's emotional needs be met by the father's and vice versa.  In a loving marriage that is ideal. But when faced with a not so loving marriage or no marriage at all a mother's emotional needs can be met by family or friends.

Now here's my real heartache.  What does a mother do when she has no family to turn to and no friends that can be relied upon for assistance?  I wish I had the answer.

Some of my needs are met from church and my strong faith in God but when it comes down to figuring out this whole parenting thing, I'm a bit at a loss.  Most of my mom friends do not work during the day and reserve their evenings for their family. Understandable. But there is a real lack of opportunity for single parents to seek out other single parents to bond with, share our woes with and help each other out.  There also seems to be a real difference of perception in where the "village" starts and ends.

Maybe it's just me, or maybe our society has become accustomed to meaningless offers of help. But I quickly grew tired of asking for help and being turned down or out right ignored from people who said "if there's anything we can do to help we're here for you".

Understand that I do have friends, just none close enough or available enough to physically help with the raising of my son in ways such as babysitting.  They help by doing their best to encourage me and keep me thinking positively

The third reason it was difficult to read about this infant sleep study was because of the notion put forward that crying it out caused poor sleep.  Hard for me to accept this theory knowing that my son did not sleep through the night until I let him cry it out. Prior to the awful night of my baby boy's tears, he would wake 2-3 times a night.  At first he woke just as often as he did while co-sleeping and I got up in the night to tuck him back into bed. After the tears stopped at bed time I noticed the wakings occurred less.  After about a week of getting up and tucking him back into bed, offering water only to have it rejected, checking a dry diaper, I started letting him cry it out a bit, never going longer than ten minutes and always being attentive to the type of cry (i.e. pain, fear, etc).  After about another week the night wakings completely stopped.  We both have been sleeping through the night ever since, okay, I don't but that's an entirely different issue.

What shocked me was the examples cited by @phdinparenting from the study:

Differences between mothers in EA become evident in the following descriptions, taken directly from our videorecordings. One mother, rated high on EA, directed quiet and gentle vocalizations to her 6-month-old infant while breastfeeding. She continuously gazed at the infant’s face and, whenever the infant vocalized, she responded promptly (e.g., “It’s OK.”). When necessary, the mother adjusted the infant’s position for easier access to the breast, and hugged and patted the infant’s back to burp the infant following nursing before putting the infant down to sleep. Another mother highly rated on EA responded to her 24-month-old’s questions during book reading with explanation and reassurance. When the book was finished, the mother said a brief prayer, caressed her child’s head, kissed and hugged her, then spoke softly to her, and sung to her. She then handed a soft toy to the child, tucked the child into bed, and left the room. 

Low EA, by contrast, is exemplified by another mother, who used stern directives with her 24-month-old during book reading whenever the child got up out of bed, and at one point physically pulled the child back to her. This mother continually attempted to engage the child in the book despite clear signs that the child was losing interest (e.g., child was fidgety and continually turned his attention elsewhere). The child continued to squirm in bed after the book reading was finished and was having trouble settling down to sleep. The mother repeatedly directed the child to lie down and close his eyes, threatening to take his toys away if he does not settle down. At the same time, she asked for hugs and kisses from him, to which he did not comply. The child got up and left the room four times before he eventually fell asleep.

My approach fell somewhere in the middle of these two examples. We followed our regular bed time routine, always aware of B's interest in the various aspects of our routine, had our cuddles but then I left prior to B falling asleep.  Still attentive to his needs but also firm in him needing to learn to sleep on his own.

So when all is said and done, do I agree with the study.  No. However I think it is an area of parenting that requires further study.  Parents need to know the pros and cons of the decisions they make in order to make the most informed decisions possible. I also think that people in general need to be emotionally available to each other to ensure parents are more emotionally available for their children.

Finally, we cannot always be the parents we want to be.  All we can do is strive to be the best we can be.  For me, that's ensuring I'm properly cared for so that I can properly care for my child. Being emotionally available is only one aspect of caring for my beautiful boy.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What does it take?

I left a horrible marriage last December.  Without going into the details I'll just say that there was a fair bit of verbal and emotional abuse.  Fast forward a few months and I'm fighting for custody of my one and only child without a lawyer.  This story is about how the system failed me.

I work part time.  Partly by choice, to spend time with my son, but partly because I have fibromyalgia and simply do not have the strength to work full time and raise my son.  So I opted to live as frugally as possible.  But when Legal Aid told me they couldn't help me because I made $60/month too much my frustration started.

I was advised of an appeal process due to being so close to the limit but unfortunately most of the financial documents were not in my possession.  My fault, not their's.  So I had to go to court on my own.  Not entirely difficult for me.  I go to court regularly but not family court and not up against a man that intimidated me and had a history of bullying me to get what he wanted when we were apparently in a "loving" marriage.

At court he had a fair argument for wanting joint custody rather than giving up parental rights.  Fine. I agree that he should be able to easily take my son to the doctor, clinic, ER, etc and have access to health and education records.  I countered with wanting the distinction of Primary Care-giver.  After all, my son lives with me, I teach him more life skills and have been the only one looking after clothing him since he was born.  No go.  After each of us discussing options with duty counsel that day we opted for mediation. Mistake No 1 on my part - should have moved to Family Case Conference; my own lawyer would have been helpful here.

During my intake interview with the mediator I was asked, "Do you have any concerns about your son's safety when with his father?" YES. I told her of the times his dad hit him in the head, how my son managed to drink a bottle of infant tylenol (that his father refused to move because I left it on the coffee table not him), the time I had to come home from work to take my son to the clinic half a block from our apartment after he fell on the baseboard heaters causing third degree burns on his hands.  His dad didn't think the burns required medical attention. The mediator responded "By law I have to report him to the Ministry."

Terrified I actually hid out after the social worker came to my house to advise that they received the complaint from the mediator and wanted to know more before contacting my son's dad.  Fair enough.  I told them what I told the mediator stressing that I FEARED this man as he has a temper and is prone to verbally abusive behaviour.  From that point until a few days later I refused to stay at home.  I screened all phone calls.  Last thing I wanted was to hear the fall out from being denied access to my son.

After things calmed down I had a second interview, more thorough interview with the social worker assigned to my case not just the after hours social worker.  She repeatedly told me that I was negligent in caring for my child by staying with my husband after the first hitting incident and that I should have left then.  That I endangered my son by trying to uphold my wedding vows. WTF?!?  So in an attempt to avoid being found guilty of neglect and child endangerment along with the fear of what my ex would do to me I tried to emphasize the other incidents rather than the hitting that worried me the most.

A few weeks later the social worker advised that the Ministry found my ex guilty of child abuse, had reported him to the police but was allowing unsupervised visits again because of compliance with the investigation.  All he had to do was REGISTER (not attend) a parenting course.  She also told me that the police would most likely NOT press charges based on the cooperative nature of the child abuser.

Great.  So now my ex can pull my son out of daycare whenever he wants, without telling me and I have to worry about his safety.  As if it's not hard enough to be a single mom I have a legitimate reason to check my son daily for unexplained bruising.  It's not even so much that I think my ex is still hitting my child.  It's that the lack of care and attention that caused the Tylenol & burn incident that scare me most.

What's worse is being back in court, without the promised letter from the social worker, without a lawyer and facing a man still furious for being labelled a child abuser by the Ministry.  Wanting to end my nightmare quickly as the stress is causing me fibromyalgia flare-ups I enter a Consent Order for daily access (he's not going to back down on this).  All I can do is hope nothing more happens to my son until his dad goes back to school and my beautiful, little boy is in a safe daycare.

This is why I feel betrayed by the system that is set up to protect my child. How much damage needs to be done before they'll care? How can I trust them the next time I suspect neglect and/or abuse?  How many more stories are there like mine?  Or even worse, how many abusers go undisciplined while good parents fight for their children back?

Friday, August 13, 2010

Please be consistent...

Forgive me if I'm wrong in saying that if a company has more than one branch one should expect that the same procedures are followed by each branch within that company.  For example, I can go to any branch of my bank across Canada and expect to have the same policies and procedures followed for depositing a cheque or withdrawing money.  Why can't our court system be the same way?

It is my job to file documents in Small Claims Provincial Court across the province.  Seems fair to expect that since everyone is governed by the Small Claims Court Rules that filing documents would be the same from registry to registry.  However, this is not the case!  Time and time again I file the same documents in a different registry and come up against a different procedure.  I now am trying to keep a journal of all the different ways  of filing one document in different registries in order that I can provide my clients with the most timely processing.  Does this not seem wrong to anyone?  Am I alone in believing that every courthouse should do things the same way?

So frustrated with government today...contemplating moving away from Victoria.