I don't often talk about this but for some reason this year I feel I need to share...
Remembrance Day is a weird day for me. I am second generation Canadian. My Opa comes from Germany. My Oma comes from Poland. The stories of their lives have instilled a deep appreciation for democracy that began in high school.
When I was in high school I had to do a project on Germany. To help me with my project, he decided to break his silence of what it was like growing up in communist Germany ,as it then was. That conversation forever changed my perspective on freedom, democracy and how lucky I am to be Canadian.
My Opa didn't have a choice to fight in the war. Nor did he agree with what was going on. But in a communist country you can't speak out against leadership. For this reason my Opa says he was grateful for being a POW in Siberia. He didn't have to fight a war he didn't believe in. When the opportunity presented himself he came to Canada.
My Oma's story is much more intense and for that reason I have been unable to listen to the memoirs she recorded in their entirety. The mere fact that her family had to hide out during the war for safety is a concept I cannot even begin to fathom.
Because I am Canadian, I don't have to worry about hiding for safety or being forced to fight a war I don't agree in. Our troops choose to protect our country, protect our freedom and protect our privilege of democracy. It is a job I could never do.
It irritates me that people forget that despite being involved in war, Canada does not declare war on other countries. We are a country know for being peacekeepers. From what I know, we attempt to help other countries, often in an attempt to bring democracy to already devastated countries.
I am all for peace. I truly wish that we didn't need our troops. A world that lived in peace and harmony would be a delightful utopia. Unfortunately I doubt we will ever see that.
The good thing is that we live in a democracy. When we disagree with our Prime Minister about when and where our troops go we can speak out. So instead of using Remembrance Day to promote a desire for peace and hatred for war remember this - it's about our veterans and our troops and the sacrifices they made and continue to make in a pursuit of peace.
To use November 11 for anything other than taking a moment to remember and respect our veterans and troops, in my opinion, is utterly disrespectful.
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